How to Make 24 Pieces of Content From 1 Idea?

how to create content

Creating content for your small business seems like a lot of work. And yes. It will take some work, and there is no way around it to create great content. It will take work, but does it have to be hard? No, it does not. It can be as easy as just having a simple conversation.

Start with an Interview.

Start with an interview. Find someone in your niche and schedule a time to talk.   This interview can be done in person or over a video call. Then ask if you can record the conversation. Then hit record and start talking.

Start talking about a relevant topic in your industry and let the conversation go as it will, but be sure to plan a rough outline of questions in advance  to keep things on point and from straying too far down a rabbit trail (although those can be fun too). You might be amazed at what two people who are experts in their respective fields will be able to talk about for 30 minutes, if not longer.

Upload Audio and Video Versions

Once you're done, you can download the recording, post it to Youtube immediately, extract the audio, and upload it to Spotify and Apple Podcasts or wherever you want to distribute your podcast. There you go, that's three pieces of content. If you want it to be polished, you can edit it in your favorite video editor and add some titles and lower thirds. If there were long pauses, you could edit those out, but try and keep it as organic as possible.   If editing is not your jam, thousands of freelance video creators would love to help you and do it quickly.

Create Multiple Social Media Clips

Now it's time to take the video, find some exciting sound bites of 15-30 seconds in length, and post them to Instagram Reels, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube Shorts. If you have a good 30-minute conversation, finding at least three sound clips should be very easy. Those three clips on those five platforms are another 15 pieces of content.

Transcribe as a Blog and Carousel Post

Now retake the full video, transcribe it into a blog post, and post it on your website, as a LinkedIn article, and Medium. Depending on how the conversation goes, you may have to edit the transcription a little and add some images to help tell the story, but just like that, another three pieces of content. Depending on the type of blog you write, you may also be able to turn the blog into an outline or a process graphic to be used as a carousel that can be posted on  LinkedIn and Instagram to add two more pieces of content to your batch. Please ensure you export it as a PDF for Linkedin and upload it as a document. '

Tweet a Quote or Two

Last but not least, find a quote or two that you can tweet or maybe even turn your carousel post into a Twitter thread to keep the conversation going.

Use these pieces as conversation starters on social media. Be sure to have your podcast partner share these on their own platforms; this system also benefits them. Comment and engage with your posts; don't just share and forget about them. Become the expert in ways that educate, inform, and entertain your audience. Don't forget to be human and add some of your personality to the mix. Just be you.

These are just some ways you can use one interview to generate 24 pieces of content in 30 minutes. Content marketing doesn't have to be complicated.  If you have a great conversation with someone interesting, don't let it go to waste! With a little bit of work, you can easily turn that one conversation into multiple pieces of content that will help your business or brand in many different ways. Now is the time to get creative and start thinking about how you can repurpose your content to create something even better. Want help creating content that stands out? We're here for you! Our team specializes in helping businesses create content that resonates with their audience and drives conversions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your content strategy to the next level.


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