Stuck Inside: Inspiration From The Home.


This has been a crazy month. If you asked me 3 months ago what social distancing was I probably couldn’t tell you. Now it is one of the most common phrases that you hear. When you are stuck at home you have lots of time on your hand. Sometimes I feel like with so much time, I could be doing things to grow and learn new things, I still don’t do it. Not that I sit and watch TV all day, but the motivation to start learning and taking an online course is hard for me. The one thing I do is create various photo collages in Photoshop. Photoshop is a fun program to just explore and play with photos and effects. Inspiration comes from all over. I really appreciate Pro Church Media and the weekly challenges that they put on. It’s a way to take a word or phrase and run with it.

“Big Fly Gear has some amazing inspiration on its own in the way they tell the story of the home run through t-shirt design.”

Another place I have been getting inspiration is through baseball. I discovered a daily podcast by the people at Big Fly Gear. Big Fly Gear has some amazing inspiration on its own in the way they tell the story of the home run through t-shirt design. The owner, who is also the Angels PA announcer and another announcer started interviewing various players, managers, and media members from across baseball. It is an interesting podcast and one that fills the void of not having baseball or any other live sporting event to watch.

Its the Little things that I find throughout my day to try and gain inspiration and maybe even create a graphic or motion graphic from. I have been trying to continue to learn and grow in my After Effects knowledge and pushing my self to just play around with various trick and effects to see what happens.

What do you do for Inspiration? Let Me Know.


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