The Morning Routine That Keeps Me More Productive 

morning routine

Are you a morning person?  Being a morning person can make you happier and more productive during work, family, and leisure times. According to a 2012 science-backed study published by the American Psychological Association, participants who self-identified as "morning people" reported feeling “happier and healthier than night owls.” Being a morning person takes time. Creating a habit of waking up early and becoming productive is a learned skill.  I would not call myself a morning person in the realm of getting up at 5 am every day, but I do like to wake up at a decent hour, let’s say 7 AM.  I find that I’m the most productive when I wake up and give myself about an hour to eat breakfast, shower, make coffee, and read before I start the rest of my day.  Some people work out in the morning, but that is not for me.  I am more of an evening or mid-morning type of person when it comes to working out.  Here is an average day when it comes to my productivity.  

Start Your Day with Breakfast

Start your day with breakfast.  Some people like to skip breakfast, but for me, a hearty bowl of oatmeal and a well-crafted cup of coffee, brewed by pour-over, of course, is usually my jam.  Sipping coffee and reading my bible is where I like to start my day and sometimes there are eat and run days, but sitting and pausing for an hour each morning is something I strive to do.  There is so much hurry in our culture and not enough margin.  So tomorrow set your alarm for an hour earlier and give yourself space to eat something both physically and spiritually each morning.  It might be a challenge at first, but trust me you will start to enjoy these calm moments before the storm of a busy work day.

Get Ready for the Day

The next thing I like to do is take a shower and get ready for the day.  Now in today’s reality of working from home, this may seem unnecessary, but I find that when I shower and change my clothes I feel more awake than when I don’t, not to mention I feel cleaner and fresher.  So even if you are just rolling out of bed to walk down the hall, get ready for the day like you’re going to the office.  Another idea is to go for a walk in the morning.  Some people still need that commute time mentally to get ready for the day.  So why not make a faux commute by going for a walk.  If the shower and coffee didn’t wake you up then the walk sure will.

Take a Break in the Afternoon

Getting a solid couple of hours of work in the morning is the most productive.  I am freshest and most energized in these hours so I try to the most mentally stimulating and creative here.  Usually by lunchtime is when you’re feeling burned out and need to get out.   What used to be the afternoon conversations at the break room are now filled with more time at your desk. When the urge arises don’t put it off.  Step aside and go for a walk or eat some lunch.  I like to go for an afternoon walk each day to not only break up the day but to reset my brain and be ready to tackle the next tasks in the afternoon.  If you would get up can head outside at the office don’t neglect to do that at home.

“Nothing is worth it if you’re not happy”

Leave Margin in Your Life

As the day winds down I sometimes feel new energy late in the evening.  I take this time to do something creative, like make a fun graphic, take some photos somewhere, or journal.  I also try not to stay super late as that would prohibit me from getting up early and my habit will slowly dwindle.  This is my ideal day, but as an enneagram seven I am spontaneous and things constantly come up that I want to do or not want to do.  Routines are nice to have, but being able to be flexible and willing to enjoy life when you can is also important.  So next time you are starting a morning routine, try and keep to it, but allow margin so that you won’t become a victim of your routine and not enjoy the things that happen around you every day.  I don’t know about you but I feel productive in the mornings and creative in the evenings, so I like to plan my days accordingly.  


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