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“How Creativity Helps Mental Health”

As we start the new year it’s important to look back at the previous year.  Last year was filled with isolation, loneliness, depression, and other mental health issues among many people in the US and around the world.  According to the World Health Organization, 234 million people suffer from depression alone and that has increased in 2020.  As much as physical health is important during a pandemic, we should also look at our mental health as well.  How do you cope with depression and isolation during a year like 2020 where it’s hard to see people?  How do you stay productive while also raising kids, teaching kids, and working under the same house? 

Set Up a Space 

Creativity can do wonders for loneliness and it’s something that you can grow into the more you do it.  It’s addicting.  What does being “creative”  look like you might ask?  We like to think of creativity as art and music.  In reality its writing, decorating, woodworking, remodeling, and anything else where you create something out of nothing.  

We have seen stores like Hobby Lobby and Home Depot take off during these shut downs with the rise of home improvement and craft projects.  The latter is one that can set up the former in terms of setting up a space for you to be creative.  

What can really help you to be creative is not just your brain, but also your surroundings.  Having a place in your home where you can go and decompress is one the first steps to using creativity to boost your mental health.  When everyone is home, working, doing school, and playing, it’s really easy to get overwhelmed.  Start by heading down to your local home improvement or home decor store and start creating a space with a calming atmosphere.  A place to reflect, read, design, draw, or workout.  

For me I use smart bulbs where I can set different moods to keep me feeling calm and less distracted.  I try to keep my desk area clutter free and in enclosed space.  It’s also important to choose a style of furniture and artwork that inspires you.  I like the mid century/industrial look that is simple and neutral.  I usually frame photos or artwork that I have done or taken to round out the space.  

Go For a Walk 

“A walk can reduce stress by 25%”

Another thing that can help creativity is to get outside, go for a walk, and remove yourself from the status quo.  If you have kids take them with you and find a trail or playground to run around.  When your kids start experiencing cabin fever, then you start to experience it as well, sometimes at a higher level.  Just a short walk each day can lower your anxiety by 25%, according to ADAA.  Not to mention your kids will fall asleep better after a day that involves exercise.  

I love having a calming place to wake up and read in the morning, going for a walk in the afternoon, and a room in the evening that has warm and cool lighting to relax and be productive.  I love the natural woods and neutral tone fabrics to create a space as well as use custom lights that I can use to create the perfect setting to read or create.  

Schedule your day that fits your needs.  Morning or evening.  Schedule walks and create a space that you can relax in.  After those are in place, start creating, reading, or writing.  Maybe the idea of creating spaces is your outlet.  If that is the case then start finding other spaces in your home to organize, purge, and remodel to make your whole house a creative and inspirational space to be with your family.  After a home office is finished, a perfect place to go next is the kitchen, the hub of your home.