My Five Favorite Fruits:  Yes Just Five.  

my favorite fruits

Who doesn’t like fruit?  What is your favorite fruit?  If you think about it, fruit and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet.  It’s like your parents always told you,  eat your fruits and vegetables first.  As a kid it was always the fruits and vegetables keeping us from the good things in life , mainly ice cream and candy.  

But now as we get old fruit doesn’t sound that bad.  In fact fruit is probably what’s making me feel better and not bloated from too many carbs.  Diets like Whole30 and Paleo are taking the world by storm and for good reason.   If all you eat your whole life are carbs and sugar you will feel it later in life.  Your metabolism is n’t like it used to be.  Pizza and Soda is not an option anymore.  

Fruits can be quite good and feel like dessert anyway so why not eat more, just watch the sugar.  Even though fruits are all natural there is still a lot of sugar so be aware of that.  

Here are some of my favorite fruits.  

1. Apple

The apple is the standard fruit.  It's gotta be on the list.  From elementary school to now, it's the fruit most people have eaten the longest.  I enjoy a nice crisp apple for lunch most everyday.  Lately it's been the Fuji Apple that has been my go to, but I will never turn down a large honey-crisp.  

2. Grapes

The perfect snacking fruit, as long as they're seedless.  Whether they are red or green is fine with me and the bigger the better.  You can’t go wrong with grapes, but you can make them better.  Cotton candy grapes are a thing and they are delicious.  Also freezing the grapes makes for popsicles like snacks for a fraction of the calories.  Lastly, for those  who care, grapes are also used to make all sorts of wines if that floats your boat.  

3. Blueberries 

These are not my favorite berries, but they used to be my least favorite.  Over the years  I’ve grown to love them and in the late summers in Washington  we would get a large flat and eat them for days.  They are perfect for just snacking or topping on your favorite yogurt with some granola.  

4. Banana

These have to be on the list.  For how much I love them I haven’t bought them in a while.  Bananas are the perfect breakfast fruit to have with cereal or oatmeal.  Plus if you are in a hurry they are the perfect grab and go breakfast since they're usually sitting right on the counter.  These are also great in yogurt for an added bonus.  

5. Watermelon

There are so many other great fruits  and not to mention more berries.  The fifth and final spot in my 5 favorite fruits would have to be watermelon.  I could literally eat a whole watermelon and I’m not talking about one of those personal size ones.  We are talking about a huge Costco sized watermelon.  The easiest way to eat a watermelon is cubing it, but that takes time.  I am the worst at cutting watermelon.  That’s probably why I never buy it, but if its at a barbecue or a party I am all over it.  Just don’t be behind me if you want some.   

It was hard to narrow my list down to just 5 fruits, but some honorable mentions would have to be both raspberry and pineapple.  

What are your top 5 favorite fruits and how do you eat them? 

Let me know.  


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